Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally? we've been working for this for years at Roosevelt Baths

SPA: For the purists
May 28th, 2008
Mineral bath purists can bathe easy once again.

Two of the bathing rooms at the Roosevelt Bathhouse were converted into fully heated, fully mineral water-based havens of water luxury last week. The move comes months after it was discovered warm tap water was being mixed with the mineral variety to bring what would otherwise be a frigid dip to lukewarm temperatures.

Two more baths are also expected to get mineral water heating equipment by the summer’s end, said Michael Barnes, the general manager at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Spa State Park.

They are among a litany of renovations planned by Delaware North, which took over management of the hotel and the bathhouse in January. They are currently in the beginning planning stages of the renovation process.

– Drew Kerr

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Pila said...

Perhaps they should manage the Victoria Poo. It is, ater all, the pool used by hotel guests.

As it is now, you can stay at the Gideon Putnam in the middle of June and have no access to "their" pool.

They should take it over, Raise admission price. Also offer membership, and have it available Memorial Day thru Columbus Day.

Maybe renovate and restore the heating system and keep it open even longer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sounds great! The Gideon Putnam has TONS of money laying around to renovate the pool! Get over it. For the last time, it is simply NOT economically sound to open the pool on Memorial Day- the cost to run the pool is more than the amount the pool would earn- especially since hotel guests don't have to pay!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean years? That whole bath water commotion happened around March-May 2007.

Besides didn't you form originally "years" ago to save the pool?

save the victoria pool society said...

Our mission as you can see on the right side of this blog is a holisitic approach to all of Saratoga Spa State Park.

Anonymous said...

While your "mission statement" may state that you care about the whole park, it could be argued that your society only has interest in the Victoria Pool- you only care about the rest of the park if there is something to complain about. Also, in regards to your "mission statement", what has the Save the Victoria Pool Society ACTUALLY done to restore, maintain or preserve the pool, other than doggedly harass park employees ("bureaucrats")? As a newcomer to Saratoga, I am interested to hear specifics!

save the victoria pool society said...

Most of what do for the Park is behind the scenes without attribution.

Anonymous said...

Ah, funny how that works out. I am genuinely curious for examples, though!

Anonymous said...

They must be so far behind the scenes no one knows about them. Whining and complaining don't count as a positive contribution. So, we would all like to hear what the society considers "work". To anonymous who is new in town, please don't judge everyone in town by this particular group. The park has many volunteers that roll up their sleeves and help out. You should consider working with them.