Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Peerless Pool is open at last, Friday, July 18,2008.


Anonymous said...

It is the middle of July... What is there to say? Good job?
Way to go? We're so proud? Keep up the good work? Great management? How efficient? Thanks for not disappointing the tax layers?

Anonymous said...

No why don't you be a good little hypocrite and keep your mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

No, I think I'll leave that to the people who just go along and complain to each other. They don't go to public forums about the park, or make phone calls, or write letters, or do anything to effect a change. They are either afraid to speak out or just won't take the time. It may not always work but at least I give it some effort.

Anonymous said...

Why is there not a plaque at the victoria pool that details the tireless efforts of the save the Victoria pool society. I'm so glad that both societies to save the pools have accomplished so much in the short time that they were established. The Victoria pool got millions in a few years and was redone to the delight of the masses and the Peerless pool has gained a new liner that will insure it will be beautiful for future generations as it is today. Go STVPS and STPPS. In Saratoga they are a "safe bet", a great "Daily Double". Although the Peerless still needs alot more improvement we can all be proud to have it in our park, city and region the pools are truly a GEM (<- Not and electric car) in the parks system for New York State!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the pool is "peeless" ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Just remember where the money came for the upgrades to the victoria pool -- certainly not the current administration! We had 2 very successful fundraisers right after the upgrades to the vic pool -- how is that money being spent???

Anonymous said...

Is there really a "Save the Peerless Pool Society" too?

save the victoria pool society said...

We have not heard of a "save the Peerless Pool society" but fervently hope it is true.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear God two of these crackpot societies now? Lord have mercy! Pretty soon there will be a "Preserve the Bruno Springs Pavilion Society"...what is it about this park and its wacky groups? Don't you have anything else to do? Families, homes, jobs, lives...? Anything besides the Saratoga Park?

Anonymous said...

Save the peerless pool society is indeed a real society we are a group of like minded individuals who would like to see that the peerless pool has the most up to date and top line facilities available to all people of Saratoga springs and the region. We are a small group of people and we diligently write our representatives and important parks staff. Whomever you may be anonymous you must be jealous that there is nothing you feel as passionately about as I do the peerless pool. And is there anything else other than Saratoga spa state park. as afore mentioned in previous posts it is a gem for the state parks system. we need the peerless pool and someone has to care about it!!!!! Think of the children first and foremost as well as all the adults who enjoy this little slice of heaven. SAVE THE PEERLESS POOL.