Monday, July 20, 2009

Victoria Pool news?

Why would Park Administrators allow a Gideon Guest to get into the Victoria Pool with unsafe NON Coast Guard approved equipment? Another pool patron who obviously had had too much to drink and was loud and abusive was allowed to stay at the pool without Administrators on-site calling the Park Police. Everyone's safety is compromised when such infractions are allowed.


Anonymous said...

Just curious..What was "unsafe NON Coast Guard approved equipment"?

Anonymous said...

They were those work out dumb bells and equipment. What happened was the life guard told her that she couldn't have them but she and her husband protested saying that they could have them last year (which is a lie). The life guard then called an administrater and had them come down to talk to the woman, when the administrater finally came she threw the life guard under the bus saying that the woman could have her stuff. The life guard ended up looking in the "water safety manuel" and it said that the equipment that the woman Had was intact not allowed.

spotlight news said...

What else would you expect? Park police make 90000 dollars a year they don’t have time for the little things. They have to worry about real crime like; give me a second, now let me think. Well I guess they are to busy doing something or another. Maybe the Park SWAT team was chasing a rabid squirrel?

VictoriousVictorian said...

I think the gideon people should pay their way. Im sure that they get some kind of discount, but no other state residents do? whats wrong with that?

Jerold Herman said...

The Gideon pays the park the same rate per guest that uses the pool that the public pays. The Gideon Guests pay for it through their room charge.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that "Jerold" with a "J"

Jerold Herman said...

Thank you for mocking me it's a sign of your infinite maturity.

And may I ask, how in the world would you know? The owners of the Gideon pay a concession to use park land. Logically, (I hesitate to use that word in this bastion of idiocy) They could & probably do pay a concession for usage of the pool. Even if they don't, the Gideon gets more customers because of the pool. The more people the Gideon attracts, the better for the park, pool and the city.

Anonymous said...

Well Jerold with a J when you make yourself such a huge target who can resist.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a normal adult human could resist but obviously not an immature whiner like yourself who has no real ability to put together a cogent rebuttal.